Walking/hiking routes

Nature Walk Reuver: Drie Beken

Length: 7 km. The three brook route leads through the brook valleys of the Reuverbeek, the Schelkensbeek and the Gaesbeek. You also pass through the protected village of Ronckenstein.

The three streams route leads through the valleys of the Reuverbeek, the Schelkensbeek and the Gaesbeek. Underground: paved and unpaved roads. The route follows a number of junctions. The route starts and ends at the public cemetery on the Oude Molenweg in Reuver.

The Schelkensbeek is the most important of these, the other two mouths here. These streams are terrace brooks, because they cut through the middle and lower terrace formed by the Meuse. Where the Schelkensbeek flows, the area is still very wet. Forest anemones, spring halberry flowers and muskwort bloom here in the spring. Upstream the Schelkensbeek is accompanied by black alder and pedunculate oak. In the northern part of the route, the Gaesbeek flows through a deep natural valley with steep walls that are ideal for the kingfisher. In the southern part, the Reuverbeek flows.

The landscape during this walk is characterised by striking height differences as the brooks have carved deep valleys into the drifting dunes, which can be found as a long chain on the east bank of the Meuse. These drifting dunes are overgrown with Scots pine, birch and oak with undergrowth of: rowan, hazel, bird cherry and blackberry scrub. The higher sandy soils are used by tree nurseries.
The route also leads through the protected village of Ronckenstein. The hamlet consists of a number of 18th century buildings, including a former half-timbered water mill.  


Route: 5-10 km.
Numbered junction network route
Route from A to A

Contact and location

Startlocatie - Drie bekenroute
5953 JR


The distances mentioned below are the distances from the location above.

Places of interest
Places of interest