Area of natural beauty

Rivierpark Maasvallei
Rivierpark Maasvallei
Rivierpark Maasvallei
Rivierpark Maasvallei

Rivierpark Maasvallei Limburg

The Meuse Valley River Park stretches along the rainy river Meuse. In the winter, when there is heavy rainfall in the Ardennes, for example, the river has room to leave its bed. This has created an extensive network of river arms, river banks, gullies, gravel ponds, recreational areas and floodplains. 630 ha of this landscape have been set aside as nature reserve.

Enjoying the Maas
The Maas forms the Belgian-Dutch border for 40 km from Maastricht to Kessenich. It is an area with its own identity and with some monumental historic places, such as Thorn and Stevensweert on the Dutch side, but also many beautiful villages on the Belgian side along the Maas.

Contact and location

Rivierpark Maasvallei
Wijngaard 8
6017 AG


The distances mentioned below are the distances from the location above.

Horse riding trails
Horse riding trails
Horse riding trails
Horse riding trails